Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Support gun show loophole bill

"Despite the NRA's whipping gun owners into a buying frenzy over the notion that President Obama and the Democrats are coming after their guns — a hysteria that has led to a surge of sales at gun shows nationwide — Senator Lautenberg's gun show loophole bill does no such thing. It simply insists — in the interest of public safety — that you clear a criminal background check before buying a gun." – The Nation, June 3, 2009
Dear Todd,
The NRA's leaders are masters of "spin." Their rhetoric about confiscating guns is feeding an extremist agenda that leads to senseless deaths.
They've cowed our lawmakers and the public into thinking that any effort to strengthen gun laws — like closing the gun show loophole — is a threat to individual rights and to our nation's freedom.
In April, a Pittsburgh man, fed by the gun lobby's fear-mongering, shot 3 police officers with an assault rifle because he was afraid that an "Obama gun ban" would lead to his "rights being infringed upon."
The recent shooting of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas, is another horrific example of where gun lobby rhetoric can lead, and how easy it is for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons. We need to act now to strengthen gun laws.
The man who shot Dr. Tiller had been arrested for the criminal use of explosives. According to his siblings, he also had a history of mental illness. And a colleague with the anti-government Freemen group called him a "fanatic" on the issue of abortion.
Please support the Brady Campaign's fight for sane gun laws —
including closing the gun show loophole.
The Brady Campaign is pushing back — pushing for sensible gun laws — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and on the ground with our activists. That's why we need your help right now.
Please make a contribution to the Brady Campaign to counter the gun lobby's crusade of fear. We need your voice for common sense gun laws.
In the interest of public safety — of saving 80 lives a day — we have to make our country's gun laws stronger. Please donate to the Brady Campaign today.


Paul Helmke, President
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

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